Bro Aaron Scott
Oasis 52 Mason of the Year 2024

Oasis Lodge #52

"The Place to be for Masonry"

450 N. Pantano Road, Tucson AZ 85710

Five Time Winner of the Prestigious
National Mark Twain Award

image of the square and compass
Real Secret of Masonry

Please join us for a meal and games/social night for spouses and guests during Stated Meeting!

Upcoming Events

(Hover over date for more details) Brotherly Love Relief Truth

Greetings from the East

Lodge Officers

Installed Officers

The Officers and Brethren of Oasis Lodge #52 "The Place to be for Masonry" welcome you to our website. Here you will find information on our lodge, our activities and schedule, our brethren and our fellowship.

Oasis lodge dates its charter back to 1957, we meet for our monthly Stated Communication on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. We conduct regularly scheduled fellowship meetings on the other Tuesdays of each month at our lodge on Pantano on the east side of Tucson. You will find our full 12-month calendar here (two months at a time) on our homepage for your planning and participation. Our hope is with sufficient notice and repetition you will be better empowered to attend and participate in lodge events. Each month will have a recurring schedule. The first Tuesday of each month is dedicated to Ritual work. Our monthly Stated Communication occurs on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Followed on the third Tuesday by an evening of Education and Fellowship. We use the fourth Tuesday as a flex week for officer meetings, trustee meetings, degree work, proficiencies and general fellowship.

2024 sees us continuing the REF (Ritual, Education, and Fellowship) theme. These three pillars will remain both the foundation and focus of Oasis' activities, events, and culture for 2024. These three pillars and the efforts of their respective chairs serve as a cornerstone for the continued growth and building of our lodge. For Masons, our ritual is the foundation of our fraternity. It is what distinguishes us from other organizations and is the guiding philosophy of our Masonic Journey. Each month we work to polish and refine our skills and proficiencies in the work of our craft. This goes beyond just the line of officers being proficient. This is an opportunity for brethren to work on and practice those parts and lectures they have always had an interest in. This includes more than just basic degree work, but also floor work, lectures, and the various specialized ceremonies. We have a rigorous education syllabus with brother-only events as well as events open to family and friends. We plan for quarterly off-site social activities such as dinners, theater, movies, sporting events, etc. We feel one of our privileges as Master Masons is to travel. In this line of thought, we are always excited to be looking for opportunities to visit other lodges and Masonic events both within the valley and beyond. After all, as Master Mason's it is our basic rights to obtain wages and travel to foreign countries. We like to take the opportunity to exercise those rights.

But the growth of our craft is more than just activities and meetings, it is about brotherhood. We are always excited to welcome new interested prospective Masons, as well as to entertain and accommodate visiting brethren. Whether you are interested in becoming a Mason, or are already a Mason interested in visiting us, please do.

Oasis Lodge #52 was once again awarded the Master Architect Award at Grand Lodge this past year. The Master Architect Award is given to a Lodge that has clearly demonstrated the ability to perform all the expected functions of a well-governed lodge, i.e., competencies in Ritual, Masonic Education, Lodge Operations and Lodge Representation at other Lodges and Grand Lodge functions.

We look forward to seeing you all at "The Place to Be for Masonry".

Craig Harm
2024 Master, Oasis Lodge #52

The Vision of Oasis Lodge #52

  • Is a Recognized Active Participant in the Masonic Community Fostering Fraternal Fellowship and Masonic Teachings
  • Supports the Local Community Through Involvement with Public Schools and Programs Addressing Community Concerns

The Mission of Oasis Lodge #52

  • Preserve and Promote the Teachings of Freemasonry
  • Promote Masonic Values Through Service to Mankind and Our Conduct in Life
  • Inspire Good Men to Seek Membership in Our Organization
  • Encourage the Membership to Continually Seek the Truth
  • Promote Active Fellowship with Masonic Friends and Family

What is Freemasonry?

In short, Freemasonry is the oldest and largest world wide fraternity dedicated to the Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of a Supreme Being. Although of a religious nature, Freemasonry is not a religion. It urges its members, however, to be faithful and devoted to their own religious beliefs.

As a fraternity, Freemasonry provides an opportunity for men to meet and enjoy friendly companionship. In the spirit of helpfulness and brotherly love and guided by strict moral principles it encourages goodwill toward all mankind. Freemasonry is of a personal nature in its private ceremonies. Its ritual dramatizes a philosophy of life based on morality. It promotes self improvement. The tools of operative masons are used to symbolize and teach the basic principles of brotherly love, charity, and truth which Masons are encouraged to practice in their daily lives. Charity is a tangible way in which Masons help those whose circumstances in life fairly warrant it.

© 2024 Oasis Lodge #52 F & A M-- Last Updated October 15, 2024 --