The Vision of Oasis Lodge #52
- Is a Recognized Active Participant in the Masonic Community Fostering Fraternal Fellowship and Masonic Teachings
- Supports the Local Community Through Involvement with Public Schools and Programs Addressing Community Concerns
The Mission of Oasis Lodge #52
- Preserve and Promote the Teachings of Freemasonry
- Promote Masonic Values Through Service to Mankind and Our Conduct in Life
- Inspire Good Men to Seek Membership in Our Organization
- Encourage the Membership to Continually Seek the Truth
- Promote Active Fellowship with Masonic Friends and Family
What is Freemasonry?
In short, Freemasonry is the oldest and largest world wide fraternity dedicated to the Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of a Supreme Being. Although of a religious nature, Freemasonry is not a religion. It urges its members, however, to be faithful and devoted to their own religious beliefs.
As a fraternity, Freemasonry provides an opportunity for men to meet and enjoy friendly companionship. In the spirit of helpfulness and brotherly love and guided by strict moral principles it encourages goodwill toward all mankind. Freemasonry is of a personal nature in its private ceremonies. Its ritual dramatizes a philosophy of life based on morality. It promotes self improvement. The tools of operative masons are used to symbolize and teach the basic principles of brotherly love, charity, and truth which Masons are encouraged to practice in their daily lives. Charity is a tangible way in which Masons help those whose circumstances in life fairly warrant it.